A New Year
I love New York! Well, I only spent a couple of days there, but truly, there is no other city like it in the world. My fabulous husband took me there to see a show for my birthday last week - we saw The Producers. The actors were wonderful and it stirred up in me that old longing for the limelight. I always wanted to be an actress. Years of high-school, college and community theatre and well, I never continued in that direction. I have no regrets of course. I love being a wife, a mom and a writer. But just like there is no other city like New York, there is nothing quite like being on stage. But a new year should make us look forward, not backward, so that's what I'm going to encourage you to do. What is ahead for you this year? I've always loved making New Year's Resolutions - I'm a complete sucker for them. Even if I'm not able to keep them all the time, I feel compelled to try again. So I'll share a couple of mine with you...
1 - Journaling - I want to keep up with my journaling because for me, it draws me closer to God. I was appalled when I took it out the other night and found that the first entry was 1998 and I haven't even filled a third of the book. I used to journal every day. I miss that time with God.
2 - Eat healthy - It's not really about dieting (thoughI certainly wouldn't complain about losing weight). It's more about the fact that I just need to choose healthier foods...which brings me to...
3- Exercise - I am so out of shape! I want to get into a routine of exercising that I can just be consistent with. This one will probably be the hardest for me truth be told...
Those are my top ones for the moment. I'll let you know periodically how I'm doing with them. For now, though, have a great week!
ALIAS COUNTDOWN! - 72 hours until the Season Premiere.
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