My people will talk to your people...
Oh, how I wish I had people for other people to talk to! I know it used to be reserved for the rich and famous, this idea of having an assistant to post blogs or answer e-mails or contact organizations and media outlets. But not so much anymore. Actually, I know quite a few authors who utilize assistants.
Sadly, I have not attained that realm yet. Oh, I dream about it. Especially on days like today when I spend my entire morning sending e-mails and making phone calls trying to act as my own publicist. I don't have one, so I have to do it myself. I'd really rather be writing.
The other thing that has consumed my time (besides trying to garner some attention for the Tyra episode on Monday) is the re-design of my website. I am working with my fabulous designers to try to get the whole thing up and running by Sunday - in time for the Tyra show. It's fun but exhausting. And also terrifying - they're going to use pictures of me in the design. Ugh..
I've written over twelve pages of new content and I still have three deadlines looming next Tuesday. So I'm being pulled in too many directions...and an extra set of hands would be really, really nice right now.
But It's still in the "Wouldn't that be nice..." category of my dreams. Reality calls. Gotta get back to work!

Back to the outdoor patio...