Braced for...a mess
Once again, a storm is going to blow through here. We've had nothing of any significance this year and while I'm okay with that (snow days really mess with my writing schedule after all), I still want us to have one good snow so that the kids can go sledding and have some fun. We've got a great sled hill right in front of our house and while they did get to sled for a while the other day, you could see the grass through the snow.
But this storm is the yucky kind - the wintry mix. Around here that means some snow, and a lot of sleet, freezing rain and ice. It's not nearly as much fun. The kids are already counting on a snow day tomorrow (since they cancel school as soon as three flakes hit the ground around here) and I am trying to decide how I will still meet my exciting deadline this week.
What's the news? So glad you asked!
This week I'm premiering my brand new blog-book, Totally Unfamous.
I know, it sounds weird but it's pretty simple. It's a full novel but it's written completely in poetry and will be published like a blog, a few pages at a time. It will be a reverse platform so when the main site comes up, the first page of the site will always be the first page of the story. Then you can read on from there. I haven't figured out some of the logistics since WordPress is new to me, so I have my work cut out for me this week.
But I am SO excited about this project! I know that you're not supposed to play favorites, but I had so much fun writing this novel.
You can check out the site at Totally Unfamous, which I think has a fabulous design. I've got the "About" page up and working finally (that old learning curve thing...) and the story will start going up on Valentine's Day!
So check it out, let me know what you think and if you feel so inclined, spead the word!

Back to the outdoor patio...