I'm a Cover Girl!

I had to say that! Especially since it may be the only time that it will actually be true. That's me on the cover of Cross & Quill, in a section called "Meet the Pro".
It's kind of amusing really, because most of the time I feel like I'm struggling to get somewhere. I don't feel like a "Pro" at much of anything. With the exception of my ability to find things in the house that my husband can't. And I think most wives can do that.
It was still fun to do, regardless of whether I feel like I belong there:-)
And, my other news is that I will be teaching at the American Christian Fiction Writers Fall Conference. I'm excited about this because it means I have to go! I haven't been to a conference in so long that I'm beginning to feel the "crazies". You know that "I must be nuts" feeling you get when you're mostly around people who give you weird looks if you ramble about characters, plots or arcs? Yeah, I'm feeling the need to be around some other writers.
I still gotta pray that God lets me go (Translation: that He provides the finances to get there). But just the thought of going gives me smiles on this rather dreary looking, first day of spring.

Back to the outdoor patio...