Deliver me from Mochas...
I love coffee. I really do. So much so that when our church cafe needed a new person to manage it, I stepped up to help out. I enjoy being able to greet people at the church and make a great mocha for them.
But this past weekend our church hosted a conference with more than 1600 people in attendance...and boy am I tired of making mochas! It was a lot busier than we expected but God always provided an extra set of hands to pitch in when we needed it the most. Since I spent most of the weekend with a head cold, I found myself just trying to get through it rather than enjoying it.
I don't like just "trying to get through" things in general. I'm of the opinion we need to enjoy today, and not miss it looking towards tomorrow. But as sometimes happens, philosphies don't always translate into real life quite so neatly. That's why I guess I feel like I lost a weekend. I always felt like I wanted to be somewhere else. If I was home, I was thinking about what needed to be done in the cafe, and if I was at the cafe, I wanted to be home with my family. Sometimes things just end up that way.
I'm still a little bit in "recovery mode", trying to take it easy and let myself catch up. For that too, I find I start to feel guilty for resting, or neglecting something I feel like I should accomplish. But rest, like many things in life, can't be avoided, or we come to regret it eventually. I want to get better, and to do that, I have to give myself permission to take it easy and allow my body to recover.
Easier said than done!

Back to the outdoor patio...