Saturday, December 30, 2006

You say it's your birthday!

Yup, I am 34 today and I think that officially crosses me over to "mid-thirties" rather than "early thirties". Not sure I like the change. I never liked having a December birthday - all smushed in bewteen Christmas and New Years. People have so many other things on their mind, that my birthday often just gets missed. Well, that and the dreaded Christmas-Birthday gifts that people like to buy for you.

Those of you with late December birthdays will know what I mean. But I guess I've gotten to the point where those things don't matter as much anymore. My family treats me special and I'm going to get my favorite meal in the world tonight! Lobster!

Yes, yes, I know about the Old Testament prohibition about scavengers and all of that so I am especially grateful that Jesus came and declared all things clean. I know it's totally shallow, but I am a seafood girl through and through.

Days like today remind me that God celebrates us, too. We are His prized creation - so important that He sent His Son to rescue us from our own folly. It's not about how pretty, how fast, how smart or how good we are, but simply because we are His. So even if you're not having a birthday today, you can celebrate being His.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I'm Back!

It's winter here, and I'm grateful to live in a place where we actually get four seasons a year. We get snow occasionally, and it gets cold, for us, and everything gets brown and dreary. But that's what makes springtime so wonderful. When the brown and naked tress start bursting with color, and the fields turn green and the flowers begin to show off. There's nothing quite like it.

Knowing that springtime is coming is what keeps me going. I've been in a very winter-like place with my writing, and in a few other areas of life, for a long time. And yet I have to hang on to the fact that the barren winter will - eventually - turn to spring.

I haven't been writing as much because I have been thinking a lot about where my focus should be. What this blog is really about. I have finally settled on the fact that it's all about the name. Girls & God. Being a girl who loves God but knows that she needs to love Him more. Being a girl who wants to please her Heavenly Father, but isn't always sure how to do that. Being a girl in the midst of this crazy world that shouts a million different things at us. Being a girl who wants every other girl out there know just how valuable she is.

So just as we head deep into winter around my neck of the woods, I'm going to make a deep and concerted effort to bring a blog that touches on issues that affect us as girls who follow God.

I'm excited - and looking forward to where the discussion will lead. Bless each and every one of you!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Creative One

I have been remiss in updating, getting sidetracked with so many things. As I'm sure most of you are as well. My middle daughter turned six last week and since my kids get to go out to dinner at the place of their choosing for their birthday, we ended up at Chuck E. Cheese.

Then I was in agony the rest of the night from a moderate case of food poisoning. It's my second bout with it and let me tell you, I really don't want it to ever happen again. So I wasn't really on my game for her birthday party on saturday. I still think it went well but I'm suffering from Mommy Guilt for not planning more games.

But the other reason I haven't written much is I have been thinking about shifting the focus of this blog. But since I'm not entirely sure what that focus should be, I've been a little stuck. I'm still pondering, praying, hoping for a shot of inspiration. Got ideas? Feel free to send them my way!

Actually, I'm stuck in lots of ways. I'm in the middle of writing a book (actually two-thirds down) but I got a little stuck on that as well last week. So I re-read what I have written so far and I think (I hope) I'm back on track with that.