Learning Curves
My kids are on Spring Break this week and I took most of yesterday setting up an EBay account and learning to post an item. I have been meaning to do it for a while and have this lovely little crate of items that I kept because I thought they would be good items to try and sell at the mega online auction house.
But oh how easily frustrated I get when I'm learning something new - and nothing frustrates me quite like the computer. Over the last six months I have learned to update my website, add pages and graphics, blog, and countless other things that were triumphs for me (and probably pretty simple for everyone else). I'm not sure if it's just the extra time required to learn a new thing or that I simply want to be able to do everything without suffering through the learning curve.
Or perhaps it's a little of both.
I still wasted half my day when I realized that I have fifteen vintage smoking pipes from my grandfather, but have no idea what to call them. Apparently, all of these silly pipes have actual names that these pipe-collecting connoisseurs happen to know. And I don't. So another project that I thought would be simple has turned out to be anything but.
Kind of like walking with God. We are always faced with spiritual "learning curves". We are challenged to let go of the old ways and put on new ways. It's not always as easy as it sounds.
And as I continue to watch Terri's incredible will to live, I am reminded that my struggles are almost certainly not as enormous as they seem.